Operational and Strategic Management Tasks

Operational management tasks are the daily steps to implement business goals and procedures. They aid in running your business efficiently and make it possible to provide quality products to customers. These include processes like production and supply chain management as well as scheduling. They also include inventory control, resourcing and control of inventory. While strategic management sets long-term goals and business plans that are broad operational management is focused on the specifics of implementing these strategies.

Strategic management is a higher-level process that requires more expansive concepts and visions. This is why it is usually carried out by senior managers like the CEO, CFO or the founder. It also takes into account the branding, ideals, and principles of a company’s working ethic and mission.

Once a leader has decided on the general direction of an organization they will turn to their Operations Management team for specific strategies and tactics. These will be more specific, which makes them easier to implement or change in the future. A strategic management plan could include the notion that an organization should be more sustainable and utilize recycled materials in their packaging. However, the exact logistics of obtaining that material as well as switching to electric vehicles for shipping might be an operational management concern.

Modern businesses must be prepared to respond to unexpected and sudden challenges that may affect their survival. These challenges aren’t in the control of an organization. In these scenarios, a good operations manager will perform risk analysis and mitigation in order to prepare for the most severe scenarios.
